Tuesday 9 August 2011

Welcome To Some Kick-Ass Stoned Holy Bloggin'!

OK Pop-Pickers, bare with me awhile....this is yir resident Stoned Holy Blogger gettin' tae grips with these wonderful, shiny, new technological interfaces & postin the first of what will be an infrequent peek at life in the rock n roll slow lane, a furtive glance backstage or, if you will, a surreptitious perusal of the dreary scribblings inside the diary of a Pop-Slop Nobody!

Now, being somewhat tardy in our response to the ever evolving tinternet possibilities, we have, as you see, only just launched our sorry, collective arse into this blogosphere mallarkey and committed ourselves to actually writing something.  Being Rock n Roll layabouts and generally averse to committment of any kind we do hope you, dear reader, fully appreciate the fact that this goes somewhat against the Stoned Holy Grain!! So, apologies if you've scoured these vistas before expecting to find us and been met only with a screen telling you 'No Result' but we do hereby pledge to make good on  these discrepancies.

We're still not entirely sure of what in the hell it is we're meant to be doing here but I'll maybe just continue tapping away at the keyboard n believing that somebody out there in the vast n empty dustbowl of cyberspace will read my meagre offerings. We are, it seems, virtual Crusoes ; marooned amonst the vast to-ing & fro-ing of digital information. And since it is human contact we crave, please, dear reader, press your footprint into our sandy shore and let us know there is a Friday too on this, our Godforsaken Blogging Island Home!

Drop us a line, ask us a question. Not only are we, Stoned Holy Band of Rolling Brothers, versed and indeed, most learned in the ways of Rock n Roll G-Spot Tornado detection & stimulation, we can also hold our own on subjects as diverse and interesting as the Red Army's crushing of the Kronstadt Soviet and the Hibs 1st choice Eleven during the Turnbull's Tornadoes era! Surprisingly enough, we are fashion gurus, to a fashion and can offer advice about what to wear and when. Gardening Tips are also provided Gratis, if you are perchance, looking for information on how to divide your herbaceous perennials. There are, I'm sure you will find, so many strings to our Holy Rolling Bow!

'Coyness' as some wag from Manchester once noted 'is nice...But coyness can stop you from saying all the things in life you'd like to!' We at Stoned Holy H.Q couldn't agree more with those sage words and we are most eager to inform you, good peoples of worldwidewebness, that there are, verily, no prizes for keeping yir gobhole firmly shut in this life. So Amigos, get busy with the fizzy and knock us out a message!.....Life's a Gas...Ain't It....So Strike Your Match... Booooooom!!

Salutations. Over n Oot.

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