Thursday 25 July 2013

Rise Like Lions After Slumber!

Would it surprise you to realise, Dear Readers, that as well as being the Disaffected & Cynical Pop-Slop Failure I am, I am also an Unrepentant & Hopelessly Idealistic
'dyed-in-the wool'  Romantic?.....but verily, it is so!

Take for instance my resolutely, if not downright ridiculously, held opinion, informed by my extensive enquiries into the political tenets of both Communism & Anarchism, that Humankind is capable of so much more than 'Supermarket Sweep' and 'Deal or No Deal'!!.....or to put it another way, Boris Johnson & Michael Gove!!But, to quote Shelley  (Pete that is, from Manchester's finest, the Buzzcocks! ), What Do I Get for my faith in my fellow humankind beings to raise the bar of civilised living?...............the answer ; a nauseating media scrum over the birth of a baby!! Well Yippee n Howdy-Doody! And I'm supposed to give a shit, why??!!

Tell me, just how much of a tragic waste of useless, oxygen burning, precious resource squandering fukn space have you gotta be to be one of those Lamentable & Unforgivable Dullards or Inadequates thronging by the gates of Buck House waiting to catch sight of a piece of A4 paper displayed in a fukn wooden box??!!

"Rise Like Lions after Slumber in Unvanquishable Number."  This from the pen of my fellow Romantic and one gone before who also tread the Rutted Furrow & Rocky Way of  T h e  S t o n e d H o l y R o l l e r - Brother Percy Bysshe Shelley ;  And it is with these sweet words of poesy reverberating in the custard like ooze that fills the space beneath the Stoned Holy Chapeau that I beseech the seemingly Uninterested & Uncommunicative Metaphysical Superbeing who resides in Heavens High and watches over the pathetic and vainglorious trifles of the puny human ants created by His (or indeed Her!) own omnipotent and masterful hand, to......

 Geeza Fukn Brek Fae the Fukn Windsor Family!!!

And yet, Dearly Gathered, behind all the Sanctimonious Fawning, Obsequious Brown-Nosing and Flagrant Propagandizing lies but a little mite - no different from the thousands upon thousands who hove into view round about the same time as he did - Barely a day old and needing nothing more than Mother's arms to hold him and Mother's breast to feed him - No different from all those other mewling bundles of joy squealing for milk....and for now blissfully unaware of the full weight of the Ridiculous & Outmoded History of Ignominy & Avarice or the Life-Sucking & Stultifying Burden of Duty & Incumbency soon to be placed firmly on his little Babby shoulders! Ah, Bless!!

But yes, absurdly...insanely....ludicrously,  someday yet to wheel about, this Little, Squidgy, Pink Parcel will be by the Grace of God, King of this Realm and of His other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth & Defender of the Faith! Blimey, what a mouthful! He will also, amongst a whole heap of shiny tin stars n golden braid, be everything from the Duke of Normandy to the Lord of Mann...& no need to bust a gut as an Infantry grunt or lowly grog-swilling AB since he's already pencilled in to be  Commander-in Chief of the British Armed Forces and Lord High Admiral of the Royal Navy......Blah Blah Blah, the list goes on...and what an appalling, Medieaval load of Bollocks it is!!

Who could possibly envy the little pudding?...Saddled with so much Antiquated & Meaningless Shit!! Perchance we SHOULD all do the Little Whinger a favour and discard the Infantilising & Demeaning System that places him on Pedestal High, secure in the knowledge that this was ordained by God!!?? Yes, maybe by the time he's of age he too can be part of a Democratic & Inclusive Republic where people are not Subjects but CITIZENS!!!!


......and, oh aye VIVE LE REVOLUTION Brothers n Sisters!!!

n here a wee link tae read more about Republicanism /

Thursday 18 July 2013

Stroke Mags & Bombay Sapphire!!??

Maybe, just maybe, my fellow bloggers, being the Cultured & Discerning readership you are, you may haved noted a Discontented, nay, Embittered thread running through my previous inane excursions into the Wonderful World of Computerdrivel. The reasons for this are, I trust,  evident but chief amongst them, in summary, is the fact that Shuffling in Scuffled Down Shoes through the indifferent streets of Hometown Anonymity can be Pure Fukn Drudgery  at the best of times but is exacerbated mightily by Pop Slop Dillusions of Grandeur & Entitlement. All things being right with this world, I shouldn't really be up at this late hour writing this shit, but instead be entertaining some delightfully gazelle-like young ladies in that Garden of Earthly Delights which the
S t o n e d  H o l y  B e d  C h a m b e r should rightfully be!! Oh well, never mind! Self-loathing though, isn't really the S T o N e d h o L Y B l o G G e R's kinda backbeat, so instead I opt to project my Petty Resentments and Myriad Disappointments onto the world at large and mooch around with a stoney expression much like something that belongs on Easter Island! And oh, doth not this Ship of Fools we call the World make it so damn easy to pour Scorn & Vitriol & Blame & Plagues of Locusts down upon its Blackened & Cancerous heart!!!

Take, for instance the news that winged its way to me just the other day via the Modern Day Marvel that is Televisual Communication ; there, amongst the usual wretched fare of Low-Brow Titillation (with the emphasis on 'tit'!) and Bourgeois Materialistic Fawning that clogs up the airwaves and knotted cables of T.V Land, I was informed that the Queen, poor underpaid Old Dear that she is, has just bagged herself a pay hike from 34 to 36 Million Quid!

And here's me, a Poor, Neglected Rock n Roll genius, forced to panhandle for subsistence wages whilst that talentless, benefit sponging, pheasant killing, handbag wielding, gin swigging, corgi loving po-faced hoor, who's basically done Sweet Bo Diddley for humankind (...except that is, spawn the next generation of Dimwits n Dullards who will Lord it over us someday!), is getting 36 Million Fucking Quid!!! Righteous Indignation ain't the word, people!! Come back Monsieur Guillotine, all is forgiven!!

So Let's Think About This For a Brief Moment :
36 Million Quid whilst they're laying off thousands of public sector workers as part of a 'solution' to a mess they had no part in creating?! 
36 million quid as they bleat constantly on about the need to save money by cutting public services across the country?!
36 million Quid as  they deconstruct the NHS and tell us there's no money to pay for it?! 
36 Million Quid as they belittle and harangue the unemployed and get their French bully boys at ATOS to bully and harass those who can't work?!
36 Million Quid whilst nearly 5 Million people wait for a council house?!
And do you think it makes it any easier to tumble into Golden Slumbers, weary at day's end from all my bellachin',  whilst I'm thinking about Queenie raking in a fortune from her London property portfolio, which is valued at more than £8 Billion!...or the news that she's pocketted over £7 Million in E.U farming grants!! Not on yir Sweet Chuck Berry!!......and here's me with not even enough for a stroke mag n a bottle of Bombay Sapphire!!

Kings & Queens; Adorned, Enthroned
August & Imperious in their Stately Homes
Stepping Down from the History Page
You Wouldn't Think that we're Living in the Space-Age! 
ahm tellin it as it is, people!
see yiz aw next time, you Pop-Pickin' Republicans!!