s t O n E d h O L Y b L o G G e R, to hold tomorrow's hot fish suppers, I learnt of the ongoing stooshie involving Mr. Ed Miliband and that self-elected bastion of all that it means to be British, The Daily Mail.
Being the kinda up-to-the-minute hombre who doesn't own a smartphone, I resolved to make for the nearest Tinternet Cafe to learn more. Weaving my way 'long thronging pavements, passing Burnt-Out-Bums panhandling for crumbs in the doorways of shops gone flop in the pop n fizzle of free market convulsions, I entered an establishment I like to infrequently grace with my Rock n Roll Presence.... mostly, it has to be admitted, so I can take delight from the most pleasing form of the lady behind the counter......we're talking the kinda curves that swerve all over the road here, people!! Anyway, whilst I managed to eke out my regular cappuccino with extra sprinkles and busily clicked from this page to that, I found, remarkably, my low opinion of the The Daily Mail plummeting even lower! No mean feat, I assure you, seeing as I already held it to be a Malignant Tumorous Growth on the arse-end of all that is mean-spirited, petty and uninformed in Britain today!!
You, my dear readers, may think that most of my
s t o n e d h o l y w a k i n g h o u r s are filled with crabbit recollections of how I perceive myself to have been unjustly passed over in the
Rockin-Rollin-Fame-Game......and it's true, 90% of the time they are! The remaining time however is filled mostly with Mordant & Vitriolic Expostulations & Remonstrances rich in Expletives aimed at the Injustices, & Iniquities being meted out to the vast majority of the Humankind Species by those tiny elite minorities who run the sordid show for their own Diseased Glorification and Putrescent Materialistic Longings!! What else is there for a Blessed, Semi-Crazed, Recovering Catholic Mystic like the
S t O n E d H O L y B L o g g e R to do, I ask you?!?!
Thus it is I oft find myself ranting at publications such as 'The Daily Mail'......but with this attack on the deceased father of 'Red Ed', as The Mail likes to paint him, they've gone beyond the bottom-of-the-barrel ; with this, I fear, they have scraped & hacked themselves down, down, down into the brown, steaming, puke-inducing, cloacal sludge that bubbles along the bristling open-sewer of human abasement!! I may be but a humble purveyor of melodies, readers, but you surely must, as I do, stand agape and wonder what kind of Nasty & Pernicious Contagion it is that thinks publishing pictures online of Ralph Miliband's grave as a criticism of his offspring's politics could in any way be construed as serious journalism or comment or critique!! Mind-Boggling!!

Interestingly enough, people, as I bring this latest incursion into the sphere of computerdrivel to a close, it may interest you to know that 'The Daily Mail's owner ( 4th Viscount Blah Blah , Harold Jonathan Bollocks!), currently listed 51st in 'The Sunday Times Rich List' (estimated wealth over £1 Billion) who likes to think his fuckn nauseating, worthless shitrag speaks for Britain,
doesn't pay one fukn measly stingy penny in tax in the U.K!!!!!!!!!
I'll leave that one with yiz aw.....but for now, this is yir
Stoned n Holy n Righteously Indignant,
S t O n E d H o L y B L o G g E r
saying "S a y o n a r a" for the noo.
Sweet Dreams Darlings X X
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