True, Easter Sunday has passed, but when it comes to dates n times we, here assembled, in The Church of Stoned Holy Brethrenness and Good Vibes are more lax in these matters than the Heavenly Father. It does not deem a team of 12 astronomers staring at the movements of heavenly bodies to decide the precise date of Easter as necessary : We merely observe the heavenly bodies strutting their stuff in the neon-lit, trashy, rockinrollin streets or the rosy cheeks of the girl working the checkout at the supermarket.....or, more pertinently, that the tender stems of the lenten lillies are dancing neath the overarching lattice of bare beech and sycamore branches ; we see too that May is already oot and cloots can be cast ; we note the shining buttery petals of the gorse blanketting the hillside ; we behold the darling buds already being shaken by rough winds. Easter is Everywhere!
Slip inside this house as you pass by, and you also, gentle reader may experience regeneration. Metaphysical authority figures in the sky are in no way required to explain the coming of this Springing time. The spinning of the Earth and the angle of its tilt must surely be seen, by any mind capable of Reason, to fully reveal what's really happening......and contrary to what many believe, especially those who rigidly cling to Bronze Age superstitions to lend some semblance of meaning to their lives, this in no way detracts from the Majesty and Magic of the Renewal!
Can it really be a coincidence that the Pope and his devotees celebrate the Resurrection in springtime? Look around you and you may bear witness to Resurrection happening right outside your window! See the saffron rays of dawn rising again and hear the poetry and word magic that cloaks the cults of Eos and Aurora, Ushas and Eostre, our pagan goddess of Spring. That point on the right side of the compass, 'East', bears etymological testimony to the fact that The Dawn Goddess was revered & honoured countless centuries before some geezer in the Middle East got himself nailed to a couple of planks of wood for seditious preachings yet, reportedly, was seen two days later as right as the proverbial rain!
For adherents of The Rolling of the Holy Stone, chocolate eggs n greeting cards, fluffy bunnies n cute yellow chicks, hot cross buns n simnel cake, crucifixions and empty tombs just don't cut the Easter mustard. Here in the Stoned Holy Cathedral of Love supine fertility rites are more up our Easter street : Dark Delphic Mysteries whereby cavorting goat girls cloaked in gossamer robes with luxurious tresses tumbling sinuously from veils of silk invite you to ingest spicy and succulent comestibles from sacred salvers and drink lustily the unknown draughts and brews contained within holy goblets : States of sensual reverie and voluptuous abandonment : Initiations involving a surfeit of willowy and comely dancing know the kinda thing! Anyway, before i get too carried away, green shoots are showing, things are sprouting, blossoming, budding, swelling, issuing, springing......let's hope that amongst all this fecundity there can be a Rejuvenation, a Rebirth, a Renewal, a Restoration, a Revitalisation. This RESURRECTION is not just for the S T o N E d H O L y b L O g g E R alone (though heaven knows I could do with one!) but for us all!
Here Endeth the Sermon. Lemme Hear Ya Say "YEAH!"