Saturday, 21 June 2014

Yes, We Can....but Naw...Youz Cannae!!

How fitting that this is my 50th post. This is my Hawaii ; last State to join the Union! I say fitting because Ahm here tae talk aboot America!!.....or more accurately President Obama's recent nickel's worth regarding the Scottish Independence debate.

What's a Pop-Slopper (and a failed one, at that!) doing entering the fray of Politics, you might very well ask. But, understand, gentle reader, that the
S t O n E d H O L y b L o g G e R was formed in the Raucous n Rowdy-Dowdy days when Punk Rock held sway in Pop Land. His febrile young mind was weaned on the Scowling Outrage of Johnny Rotten! The impassioned, Garageland Gravel of Joe Strummer was mother's milk! Indeed, it was from taking his inspiration from such as the Sex Pistols & The Clash and various other Beat Combos of his Thatcher benighted era, like the Anarcho-Doggerel of Crass and the Super-Smart Agit-Prop of Gang of Four that set the S t O n e D h O L y b L O g g E R down the lonely furrow he still tramps today ; a ravening, cynical dog prowling the political wasteland of Her Majesty's Sinking Ship Britannia, foaming & growling, tenaciously intent on getting my canines into something!...whilst still wanting to BOOOOOOOOOOGIE at the same time!!

But enough of wistful strolls doon Bitter Memory Lane. President Obama has steamed into our ongoing Independence stooshie with his considered opinion that the United Kingdom 'has worked pretty well' so voters in Scotland should vote 'No' to Independence. Kinda ironic, don't you think for the President of the United States of America to make such a remark seeing as the nation he represents was founded on the very thing he's advising Scots against - Independence from Westminster!!! Leaving aside the stark fact that there is no 'United' Kingdom, somebody needs to remind him about the old Colonial rallying call of "No Taxation Without Representation!" Maybe a little 'Tea Party' of our own where American coffee imports were dumped into the murky waters of Leith docks would jog the Presidential memory!! Will that be a regular or large riot? Have a nice day!!

Now, the old Stoned Holy Memory Banks may, very well, not function quite so effectively as once they did but even I can recall the days of 2008 and Mr. Obama's campaign to take stewardship of the keys for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. You may recall his campaign slogan : 'Yes, We Can!' Well, it seems that the poor & huddled masses of Scotland CAN'T!! Maybeez seats on the United Nations Security Council and nuclear submarines in the Firth of Clyde and losing an ever ready military ally clouded his view!! For shame, Mr. President, for shame!! Maybe, with the 4th of July looming, you'll have recourse to reflect on your shamefaced statement this 'Independence' Day!!

Of course, his slogan was filched from Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers union and their struggle, in Arizona in 1972, for the right to strike..... I'm damn sure Cesar would join me and aw the folks in Scotland in rebutting the shortsighted remarks of the President and replying emphatically "Si, Se Puede!'......or tae put it in the Guid Broad Scots, 'Aye, We Can.....n yes, we're gonnae!!'

For We Hold these Truths to be Self Evident ; Sometimes, in the course of Human events it becomes necessary for one People to Dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them to another and to assume the Separate & Equal station to which they are Entitled!! How d'ya like them apples, Mr. Barrack Obama?!?! Recognise any of that, at all??!!

This Land Is Our Land! 


Wednesday, 11 June 2014


You, my fellow users n abusers o the Blogosphere, may have the impression that most Pop-Sloppy Drop Outs, such as the S t O n E d h o L Y b L o G G e r, are, if they're not eating pussy, subsisting on a diet of baked beans straight from the tin, take-away pizza and beer. We here at Roller Central, being the quintessential square pegs in round holes that we are, choose to buck the trend somewhat....though, it must be noted, our lack of pussy eating is a regimen forced upon us rather than one proactively adopted!!  Be that as it may, we mostly eschew the kinda vittles mentioned above in favour of fare more refined or rustic in nature : delicately crafted beetroot chutney on home baked sweet potato & roast red pepper loaf are more likely to be seen on the Stoned Holy Smorgasbord than the kinda nosh furnished by yir local take-away outlet.

The sink in the Stoned Holy Scullery is as yet precariously filled with a haphazardly assembled heap of  the assorted crockery and utensils used in preparing our evening repast.....and oh, what a plateful it was!  Time now to take our ease bethankit and bemoan our flagrant lack of restraint as our swollen bellies threaten to rive.....or, seeing as Politics is never off the menu here at Stoned Holy HQ, take time to ponder on the poor souls, less fortunate than we, who ate tonight thanks only to the charity afforded them at a food bank. Or, heaven forfend, went hungry!! And what a howling outrage and damning indictment of Humankind it is that there should be even a one in this ill divided world who is not afforded the Justice of a Meal!!!

Let's ignore all the claptrap about over-population ; Hunger is a Political problem! Hunger exists because of the stunted imaginations and pitiless hearts of the Cretins & Creeps who run the Political Systems of the world. Morally Bankrupt, they preside over a world prepared to spend untold billions in its never ending mania for Death! Mentally Deficient, they wave as their armies parade before them in their sterile and mechanised uniformity as millions die for the want of a glass of clean water!! See their happy faces as their high tech toys and updated technologies fill them with self-importance!! Choke at their mock solemnity, marvel at their loathsome hypocrisies as their instruments of destruction are propelled onto their malevolent trajectories!! "Come, Ye Masters of War. You That Hide Behind Walls, You That Hide Behind Desks. I Just Want You to Know I Can See Through Your Masks!!" These were the vitriolic words spat out to call them out by Lord Bob of Dylan...before motorcycling accidents and Visions of Johanna & Mortality prompted him to dabble in various world religions and, generally, go a bit rubbish!

Meantime, in our Disunited Kingdom, a lot of people won't get no supper tonight. Maybe we should remember when we hear about fuel poverty or food poverty or this n that poverty that these are just good old-fashioned POVERTY! Happening right now in what is supposed to be one of the most 'developed' countries in the world. And all this whilst the Fat Cats get fatter and the Big Shots get Bigger and the new Super-Rich Elites indulge their Soulless, Spiritless, Pointless and ultimately Meaningless Fetish for MORE! More Objects! More Commodities! More Trappings! More Belongings! More Depravities! More Debasements! More Degradations! More Social Decay!

The Trickle-Down School of Neoliberal Lies & Cack- Economic Deceits tells us it is these 'wealth generators' who make it possible for the rest of us to eat......without their get-up-and-go all economic activity would grind to a halt ; it is their entrepeneurial spirit that provides employment for the rest of us : and so we are consigned to stumble lost through their hard, remorseless financial deserts looking for a stream where something can 'trickle down' to the likes of us. We wander in search of our fatted calf.  We wait, cowed, for our Manna from Heaven, sops thrown down from on high as benefaction from our False Idols.  Modern day alms-giving from the New Gods of Greed. We wait, wide-eyed and covetous, to be showered in good things from  the shiny piñata dangled above our heads .......maybeez now is the time to remember that for the piñata to give up it's contents it has to be hit HARD with a stick!!

So, Pop-Pickers, in these Armagideon Times, we must