Thursday, 13 June 2013

Wherever I Lay Ma Hat...That's Ma Hat!

The S t O n E D H o L y B l o g g E R writes to you today, not from the familiar, mossed environs of StonedHolyHQ, but from an alien, though not altogether displeasing, corner of Good Old Blighty. I address both discerning readers and non-computer savvy inepts alike, not from the cushioned comfort of the StonedHolyComputerSuite but from quarters new.

These past weeks and months, though visiting Disruption & Upheaval upon the previously unassailable turrets of StonedHolyHQ, have also opened up both vistas & possiblities new : Yes, the Motte & Bailey have been overrun and yes, the walls have been breached and the fires within the StonedHolyHearth extinguished but this matters not in the digital world of the blogosphere wherein we are uncorporeal.

But the S t O n e D H O L y b l o G G e r  is, most assuredly, of Flesh & Bone and it is with real, though possibly slightly world-weary, eyes that I have gazed into the emptiness of the majestic night sky and having considered the vast, pitiless desert of time n space came to the conclusion that Wherever I Lay Ma Hat....That's Ma Hat!!

So I am here to tell you Internet Dogs that the StonedHolyBowler is now set at a jaunty angle atop the StonedHolyNoggin as I skip merrily along the unfamiliar streets of Cheltenham bidding passers-by 'Good Day'! And yea verily, as Arthur Lee noted back in '67, "Forever Changes" - Yet some things stay the same.....n ahm no quite ready to stop plugging away at this Pop-Slop-Mallarkey just yet!.....Y'see, Ahv Got Something Inside of Ma Bones - and it's DANGEROUS!!

The Beat Goes On!!!
Soon I May Lay My Hat Near YOU!!

Life's A Gas - Strike A Match - BOOOOOOOOOOM!!!

Salutations Brethren!!