However, here within the Ionised Troposphere of the StonedHolyBlog, I can continue chewing the cyber-cud and whittling the cyber-stick! So, right off, I must ask if it is even possible to be 'released' from the incessant clamour that fills so many of your moments if you are, as half the Human Race must be, attached to a pair of testicles! Phrases such as "Ahd Gie That A Clatter!" & "Check Oot The F****n' Rice-Cakes Oan That!" and other variations upon this Concupiscent theme are to be found often rattling round the HolyRollinBrainPan and cloggin' up the limited space available between the StonedHolyLugholes!!! Modern conceptions as to the Nature of having a Nut-Sac dangling between yir legs have, of course, been much influenced by the tireless work of Darwin & Mendel. Watson & Crick have also contributed greatly to mapping out our mental landscapes in the area of Baw-Bags & what goes on inside 'em! So, if we're to agree with these eminent scientists and their theories that DNA seeks to replicate itself through us (but little cares as to the social implications of a constantly slobbering libido!) must we not then view ourselves as enlaved to the Demands & Imperatives of the Double Helix! Are we not called into existence merely as a consequence of this Primal Urging, or, to use a memorable phrase of Khalil Gibran, "Life's Longing For Itself" - our sole function, to carry those genes, that made us & make us what we are, forward to the next body they shall inhabit. I'm sure Richard Dawkins could elaborate more on the Science of it all but a Stoned Holy Roller has gotta tell it like it....& how it is, is this : If there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that, as a consequence of those Genetic Codes wishing to continue to exist, there's one helloffa lot of 'Bad Shit' goin' down in this Ragged & Tattered & Torn Ol' World because of Monkey Man & his Seminal Surges (more Bad than Good, that's for sure!)...but still we Simians keep Rutting!.....and in our never diminishing eagerness to Penetrate, commit countless crimes against our fellows. Of course, Nature in the Raw, cares not one jot for Morality!!...but surely some foreknowledge of Monkey Boy & his Priapic Proclivities could allow us to Pity instead of Condemn, Forgive but not Excuse?!?!
The SToNedhOLybLoGGER has a notion that we have been force-fed a Sanitised, Romanticised, Bowdlerised & Emasculated view of Human Sexuality by the Church & State and their Dominant Social Orthodoxies. I think the Ancients understood better the damage our sexuality can wreak upon us. Take the story of the Judgment of Paris : Chosen by the Gods to decide which of three Goddesses to award a Golden Apple to for being the most beautiful, the Greeks understood perfectly that when offered the different bribes of Riches, Wisdom or Sex the Young Goat Herd went with his gonads and chose the latter. So the Apple went to Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Paris got Helen of Sparta, the most beautiful woman in the world.. But what came from his choice? The Fall of Troy, his Father murdered, his Mother enslaved, his Brother slain....& his own union with Helen, childless!! Hardly the stuff of Romantic Poets & a million God Awful Rock Ballads!!
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'El Juicio de Paris' by Enrique Simonet. 1904 |
But what's a poor Apeman to do in this modern age of SEX screaming at him from the Billboards & the Television & the Movies & the top shelf of his local corner shop? The Male Sexual Response was not really designed for the 21st century Metropolis : millions of wimmen exposing various parts of their soft & bouncing womanly assets!! And if it's all look, look, lookin' but not get, get , gettin' it's no wonder that the concept of 'Release' can seem very attractive......but just how does a plodding Neanderthal like the SToNeDHolYbLOgGer reach that state? Not by having cold showers, I can tell yi!
Methinks if Heaven exists, it must be Sexless! How can it be otherwise? Would you swap Peace for Tumult? Swap Completeness for Division? Swap Wholeness for Fracture? Would you give up Fullness for Hunger? Give up Perfection for Want, Need, Longing, Craving or Thirst?.........but then methinks, maybe it's how we cope with all these just mentioned that define us best as Human Beings. So maybeez a State of Acceptance would be a more realistic aim for Attainment than 'Release'?.......if I may be allowed to utilise Abraham Lincoln's famous phrase, can I contend, nay insist, that no matter how much 'MOKSHA' can appeal to 'the Better Angels of Our Nature' we remain, ever & always, Creatures of the Flesh!!