You, Kind Readers, out there in the Nothingness of Electrically Charged Silicon Particles that is the Blogosphere, may well be under the illusion that all us Pop-Schlop Wannabes dream of is Money : The kind of Money that finances the crass displays of Empty-Headed Materialism we all readily associate with the Venal & Wacky World of Pop Excess & the Woeful Inadequates who inhabit its middens & its Glory-Holes! The kind of Money that can pamper the most developmentally-stunted Ego and indulge the extreme Whims & Under-Educated Caprices thereof....I mean, smuggling your pet mountain lion into your hotel suite as you lob yet another television set out of the window!?!?......but, Lo! the STONEDHOLYBLOGGER, your convivial host, must avow it to be not always so!
True, my Mettle is somewhat untested, for in the Trial by Marketplace that measures the worth of what you do in units shifted, it seems I am practically Worthless! Who knows what Depravities I have been saved, what Cesspits of Human Debauchery I have been stopped from sinking into by my almost complete Failure in the Business part of the 'Music Business'.....I can, of course, content myself with the fact that although, yes, it would be good not to worry about paying the next electric bill, Money Is Not The Measure Of All Things and this World of Pop Slop is an arena where "thieves & pimps run free and good men die like dogs, for no good reason!!"
Leaving aside the manifest failings of yir average Popslopper as any kind of human being worthy of respect we must direct our gaze at the Society that Spawns these Air-Brushed & Tousle-Haired Disasters. We are constantly sold the idea that choice in all things is good, but if we're a Society that chooses Hospital Treatment in the same way we choose what Arts & Craft fittings to adorn our 1930's bungalow it doesn't say a lot about what we value. If we choose university education in the same way we only ever shop at Harvey Nichols then the Society we're part of is in serious trouble. If we're a society that thinks being ferried by Mumsy to the other side of the city every morning through the gridlocked streets to reach our school of choice is the same as buying handbags then trouble lies ahead! What all of these things boil down to is MONEY.....and as always, there's thems that have it and thems that don't. All of which doesn't do a lot for Social Cohesion and the idea that we ALL have a place and a stake in something called Society. We could use other words here to further illustrate the point ; words like Humanity, Group, Community, Collective or Union. 'Society 'though, is not really a word the present bunch of dullards who sit at the helm of 'HMS We're-All-In-This-Together' like very much, unless it's part of the phrase'The Big Society' which any right-minded person knows is nothing more than hot-air! Britain is falling apart at the seams!
Once upon a time when Nazi bombs were raining down on British cities and we really were 'all in it together' the bonds that connect us all were plain for all to see. And after the dust cleared the people who had done the dirty work of cleaning the mess up voted for a National Health Service and the Nationalisation of Rail & Coal. But, things are somehow different now and this is a Modern World where Money Is The Measure Of All Things........There Must Be Better Things! There Must Be Better Songs To Sing! There Must Be Better Scenes! There Must Be Better Dreams To Dream!
Maybe Martin Luther King hit the nail on the head when he said "A Nation that continues, year after year, to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom."....then again, as Woody Allen once succinctly put it "Money Is Better Than Poverty, If Only For Financial Reasons." Well yi cannae argue wi that, can yi?!?!
a virtual backstage pass into the tragi-comic trials n tribulations of a rock n roll wannabe! / a penetrating examination of the mundane conceits & motivations of a failed rock star! / a furtive glimpse at the inane scribblings of a pop-slop nobody!
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Monday, 20 February 2012

What kind of Future can there be when the Bankers who play their money games with moolah that doesn't actually exist, somehow still contrive to make millions. And all at the expense of Joe Bloggs, the Taxpayer, who not only has to stump up the dosh to bail out this Sordid little Cabal but has been duped into thinking the real reason he's lost his job is because of the Labour Party & the Public Sector! Meanwhile the City has even got the fucking Brass Neck to tell us they're worth it!!!....and they're all gonna live elsewhere if we don't wanna cough up the readies they think they're due in bonuses ; Somewhere, presumably, where the Gods of 'Sink-or- Swim-Capitalism' don't have to answer to anyone. Can someone please call this Bunch of Idiots' Bluff and give them directions to the nearest fucking airport....or seaport if that's nearer! Let's see how they get on in Switzerland, eating Muesli n Fondue.....I'd advocate a Damn Good Thrashing for the lot of before they left, if it were not for the realisation that being Public School Educated, they'd probably enjoy it!!
How can there be Sin when the Politicians who Serve Us and are currently reminding us constantly 'We're All In It Together' have been exposed as a bunch of self serving Pigs-at-the-Trough. From flipping houses to claiming expenses on Poppy Day Wreaths - a bigger bunch of Money Grubbing Bastards you'd be hard pressed to find....unless you were looking through the ranks of the Criminal Underworld! The Mafia would seem to be good, honest criminals in least they don't feed us their Sanctimonious Bullshit about Public Service whilst they rob us blind! Still, at least it's all now safely swept under the Persian Carpet! know the one, the one that was specially commissioned to co-ordinate with the wallpaper that's £120 a roll!
Again, I ask you, Gentle Souls of the Blogosphere, When There's No Future, How Can There Be Sin?
What do words like Sin even mean when that Bastion of Democracy, the Free Press, has been exposed as Rotten to their Vile & Contemptible Core. I'd say drawing breath anywhere within a radius of 6ft of one of the Perfidious & Venal Degenerates called 'Sun' Journalists should carry a Government Health Warning!
No doubt Mr. Rupert Murdoch, who sits at the top of the whole Corrupt & Festering Dung-Heap will fly out of the Country in his Private Jet, leaving one of his hirelings to be fed to the dogs!. What do words like Loathsome & Disgusting mean in the light of Journalists & Police implicated in a web of phone hacking and cash for information? Meanwhile, remember, it's us who are currently spending BILLIONS on Bombs n Bullets convincing Medieaval Shit-Heaps like Afghanistan that they should follow our shining example and be a Democracy!!! Can someone please pass the Sick Bucket!!
It seems scale is important here : Was it Uncle Joe Stalin who said "A Single Death is a Tragedy, a Million Deaths is a statistic." I think it was a French Gentleman who opined "Kill One Man and You Are A Murderer. Kill Millions Of Men and You Are A Conqueror. Kill Them All and You Are A God."
Or maybe you could put it thus : Steal Millions & they'll give you millions, or maybe even a Peerage, as a reward. Steal some bottles of water or write on your Facebook page that you're up for a wee bit of Rioting and they'll give you four years at Her Majesty's pleasure eating Porridge for breakfast and bending over to pick the soap up in the shower-room!! Meanwhile, it seems that as we all tighten our belts and batten doon the hatches in these austere times we find ourselves living through, that the criminals are the only ones making money! So it's time, methinks, to build my StonedHolyRollin' Criminal Empire.......I feel Drugs is an area of High Returns....
After all "When There's No Future, How Can There Be Sin?"
W A T C H T H I S S P A C E ! ! !
& here's a wee link to youtube so you can enjoy the Pistols in all their Filth & Fury!!!
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