Today the Stoned Holy Blogger is in a Philosophical frame of mind. Having nothing else to occupy his time, due to the nature of being a Pop-Slop Nobody, he has chosen to withdraw, from the hugger-mugger of Human Strivings which is all that stuff that's goin' on right this Holy Beat Moment outside yir window in the crowded thouroughfares and winding country lanes which Human-Type-Creatures inhabit. Truth Be Told, there has always been that certain measure of distance between the Stoned Holy Blogger and the world of Men....& Wimmen! But, if I'm an ousider, lookin' in, well, what do I know about anything? Withdrawn & Solid Gone, maybeez, but methinks you need a Head With Wings if you wanna get a view of the whole parish! So let the Philosophising begin!
Now, I've heard it said in certain thronging Arrondisements and on bustling Waterfronts that someplace, in the Backwoods of our minds, a place seldom, if ever, visited by our consciousness, we remember being born, being squeezed into this Realm of the Living. How this affects you if yours was a Caesarian birth, I don't know but I only mention Birth for it is here my contention that We're Thrown Through Life's Gates In An Incomplete State! Whether our memory of being ejected from the womb, our struggle to enter the world (or is it merely to remain in the one we know?) colours our development in later life, I'll leave you to contemplate in a cloistered moment all to yourself, but I'm sure that you must see, that once we've pushed past those gates aforementioned, we leave the world of completeness behind and open our unknowing eyes in a world of Need & Want & Compulsion.
Shakespeare opined that "When We Are Born, We Cry That We Have Come To This World Of Fools!"
Mr.Shakespeare's poetic gifts notwithstanding, may I venture that the real reason our virgin cheeks are flushed with tears like hot lead is somewhat more prosaic! The fact that this world is peopled with fools matters not a jot to our swaddling clad selves. No, our mewlings are elicited, not by Blockheads & Numbskulls, but by the fact that now we Hunger & Desire that which is outwith us!
From the moment of our births our inventory of Wants & Needs multiplies at varying rates on a scale of anywhere between Mundane & Bizarre. From our common ambit of Food & Warmth we can end up, it seems, with somewhat ludicrous, if not outrightly grotesque demands, but I'll leave the catalogue of human Eccentricities & Foibles, Failings & Frailties, Aberrations & Perversions, Fetishes & General Wackiness for another Melancholic Stroll down Heartbreak Boulevard!
For now, we are here to consider just one facet of our Wanting & Needing & Desiring - SEX! Just three little letters from 26 but my, how they shape most of our adult lives! Brutishly shoving past our other appetites, the Sexual Imperative can even unseat our Reason and indeed, the desire for life itself!
Herr Freud's Latency Periods notwithstanding, in childhood we may or may not experience brief vaquely comprehended visions of our adult futures, but only once the Hormonal Sluice Gates open and we are thrown headlong into the trials and testing times of the Hobbledehoy are we really in a position to fully understand our natal shortcomings, our half-formed selfhoods! We struggle with new thoughts, new wants and new identities, motivated always by Sex - the wanting of, the needing of....and of course, the getting off!!
The Ancient Greeks thought the first humans had two heads and four limbs but as a punishment for the Sin of Pride these beings were cleaved in two by the Gods, both half being doomed to wander ceaselessly looking for the other to once again experience completeness....but never finding it! Though nowadays we would be more likely to use the vocabulary of Science rather than that of Poetry & Metaphor like the Ancients, I think you must see, Gentle Peruser of the Blogosphere, that those Greek cats knew that Nature was profligate with it's resources and cared not if you lived your life as a salivating, fuckless idiot, as long as you got just one damn chance to Shoot Your Seed and hit the DNA Bullseye with your Money Shot!! Sex then, as now, was and is, not Painless or Easy but Selfish, Belligerent, Competitive, Antagonistic, Self-Destructive, Pernicious and yes, sometimes even Fatal!....But Oh, How Good It Feels Slidin' It In!!
So Don't Snigger, Don't Laugh, When I Say That You Are Only Half A Person! No, Don't Laugh, Don't Snigger, When I Say That You Are Always Only Ever Just One Half!! Friend, I tire of opining on these matters. Know only this, that only when you look upon yourself as half being can you truly know how to Roll the Holy Stone! Lemme Hear Ya Say YEAH! Amen!
a virtual backstage pass into the tragi-comic trials n tribulations of a rock n roll wannabe! / a penetrating examination of the mundane conceits & motivations of a failed rock star! / a furtive glimpse at the inane scribblings of a pop-slop nobody!
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Sunday, 4 December 2011
If life in the Rock N Roll Slow Lane is anything, it is mundane. Finding oneself as a middle aged rock loser with an expanding waistline tends to limit the opportunities one is presented in life, I've found. I suppose an extremely limited social circle simply means I have failed in yet another of life's arenas apart from music! I have failed to find fellows. Failed to find like-minded ship mates to accompany me aboard this flimsy raft I find myself on in the choppy waters of life's Existential Seas. The result of these failings is, rather prosaically, finding yourself with lots of free time and of course, the problem of what to do with it all when your address book and your wallet are empty! So it was I found myself rummaging in the attic here at Stoned Holy H.Q engaged in some humdrum task but unearthing instead, amidst the miscellaneous material garbage I have amassed in my disappointing journey through existence, some yellowing fragments of papyrus. Upon shaking off a covering of dust and mouse droppings some barely discernible hieroglyphs scrawled with a biro pen were revealed. Being most learned in the ways of both Hiero & Glyph, no Rosetta Stone was required to quickly discern that these ancient writings dated from the time when a younger and less world weary version of Stoned Holy Rollers toured round Deutschland sowing musical pearls before hard-core swine! I present these writings to you now, my most discerning Blogosphere friends, in the hope they entertain!
"Busted flat in Berlin & it comes on like a wave. Call it Beat Attitude, or maybe Beattitude, but eyes with lids heavy were made to see anew. And so, with these All New Baby Blues and my Scuffled Down Shoes I shuffle round the WeltStadt of Berlin....
Maybe some other time we can uncloak our vulnerable humanities & take a stroll down Desolation Row but I'm here now to tell you about the Beat Bars & Fallen Stars of Berlin....but how to tell of of the Plans n Scams in motion as a city Hustles & Hassles for the folding?!
Sexy girls dance to the constant rattle of S-Bahns shaking like rattlesnakes as they slither all over Berlin's naked body. But this city that trams rumble through isn't the only one that's here. Pay 6DM to go the top of the Fernseher Turm or climb the Siegesalle and there, superimposed on the ashen, angular streets is the City of Possibilities : Berlin's simultaneous realities in a cityscape inhabited by dreamers & firebrands alike....Trash Time Is Over, Gentlemen!
The Art of the Deal & The Art of the Steal amount to the same damn thing on the sullen cobblestones of Lichtenberg which are slaved to the machine that has assumed a life of its own - but it's an illusion! Look upon the serried ranks of Drone Homes in Wedding and it's hard to imagine, when you consider the Spreading, Grey Cancer that is Berlin, that the banks of Der Spree were once blanketed in moss and kingfishers flashed over its limpid waters!.....
Global Consciousness or Global Destruction is waiting round the corner but that doesn't concern many, as Berlin, in all its Insane, Life-Sucking, Mind-Fucking Energy; A Corrupt, Vile, Venal, Glorious, Angelic, Bizarre, Unspeakable, Contemptible, Tragic, Pathetic sum of its Countless, Incalculable & Unimaginably Contrary, Opposite, Mismatched & Disharmonious parts is bathed in Sunlight and this day - which will see New Life Howl & Old Eyes, that witnessed the Fall of Hitler & the Rise of badly dubbed American Sit-Coms, Fade and Die - lifts itself dutifully over the Horizon!
Doppelgangers lurk in the Shadows & Dark Places of Edge City, populated by the Beatest, Down & Outest, Burned Out Bums imaginable, but no one looks close if you switch off the light.... meanwhile, in the Hurry & Scurry of Kreuzberg 61, Trabants rumble noisily as the taxi drivers speed Silently & Smoothly past in white Mercedes Automatics.... but no-one's really in control.....
Yes, up in the Consumer Palaces of the Ku-Dam they're steppin' out of Big German Cars & Expensive Designer Clothes but Rules are for Fools and only serve to get in the way of an honest drug deal on the Toxic Death Strip by Warschauer Strasse....A Trinketted Huddle of Punk Retards panhandle kleingelt outside the supermarket on Frankfurter Allee whilst inside nobody notices the Angel behind the counter selling Volkbrot. Later, Hungry Buskers play the bars on Hackescher Markt whilst outside cars slow to check out the whores.....

These visions were revealed unto me between Friedrichstrasse & Alexanderplatz on a S7 bound for Erkner & Glory! I had not paid the fare! Everything Is Yours! Interested in a knock-off generator for 500 Donx?!?!......."
Tschusschen! Vielspass! Susse Trauma!
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Pfarr Strasse 88 : Ich Bin Frei! |
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