Apologies to all those waiting with Bated Breath for their latest instalment in this, the StOnEDHolYBloggeR's somewhat irregular glimpse into the Mudane, Day-To-Day of the Pop-Slop Zero, but after noticing, through my usual Somnambulistic Fug, that my last Brave Venturing Forth into the Giddy Airs of the Blogosphere was more than a fortnight ago, I resolved to throw off the Ennui which has enveloped me on returning from Rockin' the Roll on the Isle of Jura, and put fingertip to plastic key & write something....anything!
Being if not entirely Elevated but certainly Animated after our earnest Musical Labours and crawling back into Hometown via the back door late on Sunday night and flopping into the Eider Downed cosiness of the StonedHoly HQ Dormitory and the Sleep of the Just, it was somewhat jarring, to say the least, to wake early on Monday morning and find yourself rudely cast once more into the World of F-Olding Money! Caught up again in the Obligatory but still Enervating business of Promising to Pay the Bearer and procuring such diverse Consumer Non-Essentials as Washing-Up Powder n Eccles Cakes doesn't get any easier, does it! Someday soon perchance, I may finally grow up & deal with the nuts n bolts of this Used Up, Boozed Up, Screwed Up, Chewed Up, Muddled Up, Fucked up, Drugged Up Crazy Old World we're livin' in! I speak, Friends, of the Real World of Cash n Bills.....but oh my! Such Grubbiness!! Failing, as ever, in the acquisition of Moolah, I am reminded of the Words of Robbie the Ranter, that "The Rank Is But The Guinea's Stamp"....and he ought to have known : Pushin' that Ploughshare through the Brown Fields of Ayrshire with hands that could write Poetry!
So yes, ahm Broke but not Broken! Unbowed if somewhat Bent Over! I promise myself anew to Come Up For Air & lose these Goddam Inhalation Blues! Call it being Big Headed or just plain Pig Headed, but The STONedhoLyBLOgger must Cleave to his Assertion, Stand Firm by his Contention, that he is bigger than this life he's livin', bigger than this space he's been given!!
"Bring Forth What Is Within You & What You Bring Forth Will Save You. Do Not Bring Forth What Is Within You & What You Do Not Bring Forth Will Destroy You". These Sage words are attributed to Thomas the Doubter. Though somewhat maligned for his Skepticism by some, the stoNEDhoLYbloGGEr sees Tam as a man in control of his critical faculties. Surely he was right to Doubt? An eminently sensible approach methinks. What would you say, Gentle Reader, if friends told you a Man you'd seen laid in the Grave was Up n About n ordering Scrambled Eggs on a Seeded Bagel?! Was it Groucho Marx or Leon Trotsky who advised his son to "Doubt Everything"? No matter, but we would be well-advised to follow this counsel.
But enough of Essene Mystics and Russian Revolutionaries, let us address what is Within : For I Have Seen the Times I've Kept it In. I Have, As You Have Too, I Know, Been Too Scared to See What Was Inside of Me. Too Many Times, Again & Again, I Have, As You Have Too, I'm Sure, Not Dared to Test the Boundaries. If you feel the above is somewhat sombre, I can only apologise for not being my usual Ebullient & Chipper Self but the Path of a Secular Preacher of Brethren-ness is not always Smooth! So Yes, the Road may be Rocky but we March On. What else to do?